Exo. 20:20
And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, for the Mighty One has come to test you, and that His fear may be before your faces –that you do not sin.”
From Rephidim, the children of Israel came to the wilderness of Sinai and set up camp in front of the mountain where YHWH had appeared to Moses in the burning bush. Exo. 3:1-2, 12; 19:2. They would spend nearly a year at this location. Exo. 19:1; Num. 10:11.
YHWH called Moses from the mountain and said to him, “Say to the house of Jacob and tell the children of Israel:
‘You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings, and I brought you to Me. And now, if you obey Me and keep My covenant, you shall be to Me a treasure out of all peoples, for Mine is the entire earth. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a set-apart nation.’” -Exo. 19:4-6.
Next, Moses called the elders of the people and related to them these words. At this point, the people all answered in unison:
“Everything YHWH has said we will do.”
At this, Moses returned to the Messager of YHWH on the mountain to relate their words. Exo. 19:7-8. YHWH told Moses that He will appear before them in a thick cloud to firmly establish their trust in him. Moses then told Him what the people had said.
Next, YHWH told Moses to tell the people to sanctify themselves for the next two days and prepare themselves for His arrival on the third day. Exo. 19:10-11. This statement has dual application as the prophet Hoshea later tells the people of His return on the “third day”. Hos. 5:15-6:2. The washing of clothes can also be understood as accepting His redemption. Rev. 1:5; 5:9; 7:14.
Three days after Moses delivered these words to the people, there came to be thunder and lightning and a thick cloud came over the mountain. At this time, a shofar was blasted so loud and powerful that the entire camp trembled.
Moses then took the people to the foot of the mountain, which then began to violently shake. Fire descended from heaven and was so intense that the whole mountain was covered in smoke. The sound of the shofar got increasingly louder and Moses spoke with YHWH, who was in the midst of the fire.
The Messenger of YHWH, who had previously spoken with Moses here from the midst of the burning bush, then delivered to him the words of the covenant—the Ten Words. Exo. 20:1-17; Deu. 4:11-13; Act. 7:38; Isa. 63:9; Exo. 19:4.
The entire nation heard the Voice speaking with Moses and were terrified. They told Moses to speak to Him on their behalf so that they would not hear His Voice again and die from fright. Exo. 20:18-19.
Moses then told the people not to be frightened. This display was so that the fear of YHWH would be with them and their descendants forever. This honor would lead them to obey Him.
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