Gen. 17:1-7, 16, 19 (SP/LXX)
And when Abram was ninety-nine years old, YHWH appeared to Abram and said to him:
“I am the Mighty One of all, walk before Me, and be you wholehearted. And I will establish My Covenant between you and Me. And I will multiply you exceedingly.
And Abram fell on his face. And the Mighty One talked with him saying:
“As for Me, behold, My Covenant is with you, and you will be the father of a multitude of nations.
No longer will your name be called Abram, but Abraham will you be called, for the father of a multitude of nations have I made you.
And I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings will come out of you.
And I will establish My Covenant between Me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting Covenant, to be a Mighty One to you and to your offspring after you.
And I will bless [Sarah], and I will give you a son by her. And I will bless him. And he will become nations, and kings of peoples will be of him.
…And I will establish My Covenant with him for an everlasting Covenant, and his descendants after him.”
YHWH established a Covenant with Abraham and his descendants, through his son Isaac, that He would be their Mighty One. The word “covenant” appears 13 times in this chapter: in verses 2, 4, 7 (twice), 9, 10, 11, 13 (twice), 14, 19 (twice), and 21. Moreover, this covenant is called an everlasting covenant three times: verses 7, 13, and 19.
This Covenant begins with the promise that many nations will become part of the lineage of Abraham and his son Isaac. The following phrases solidify this fact:
I will multiply you exceedingly” (v2)
“You will be the father of a multitude of nations” (v4)
“I will make you the father of a multitude of nations” (v5)
“I will make you exceedingly fruitful” (v6)
“I will make nations of you/him” (LXX) (v6, v16)
This Covenant was not simply meant to apply to one nation–Israel; But to many nations–that is, Israel and many others! Indeed, “all families/nations” (Gen. 12:3; 18:18; 22:18; 26:4) will be blessed in his Seed!
So what is this Covenant?
Chiefly, that YHWH would be our Mighty One! (Gen. 17:7; 8b; 19)
And I will establish My Covenant between Me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting Covenant, to be a Mighty One to you and to your offspring after you.
And I will be their Mighty One.
I will establish my covenant with him, for an everlasting Covenant, to be a Mighty One to him and to his seed after him.
Secondly, the Land will be given to us as an everlasting possession. (Gen. 17:8a)
And I will give you and your seed after you the Land wherein you sojourn, even all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession.
And what does He ask of us in this relationship?
- Walk with Him and make our hearts complete. Gen. 17:1
- Circumcise our male children in their flesh. Gen. 17:10-14
Put another way:
- Do what He says to do with all of our ability.
- Raise our children to follow Him, starting on the eighth day.